Source code for lingam.utils._visualize_nonlinear_causal_effect

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from sklearn.utils import check_array
from sklearn.base import is_regressor, is_classifier

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

[docs] def visualize_nonlinear_causal_effect( X, cd_result, estimator, cause_name, effect_name, cause_positions=None, percentile=None, fig=None, boxplot=False, ): """Visualize non-linear causal effect. Parameters ---------- X : pandas.DataFrame, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data used to obtain cd_result. cd_result : array-like with shape (n_features, n_features) or BootstrapResult Adjacency matrix or BootstrapResult. These are the results of a causal discovery. estimator : estimator object ``estimator`` used for non-linear regression. Regression with ``estimator`` using ``cause_name`` and covariates as explanatory variables and ``effect_name`` as objective variable. Those covariates are searched for in ``cd_result``. cause_name : str The name of the cause variable. effect_name : str The name of the effect variable. cause_positions : array-like, optional (default=None) List of positions from which causal effects are calculated. By default, ``cause_positions`` stores the position at which the value range of X is divided into 10 equal parts. percentile : array-like, optional (default=None) A tuple consisting of three percentile values. Each value must be greater than 0 and less than 100. By default, (95, 50, 5) is set. fig : plt.Figure, optional (default=None) If ``fig`` is given, draw a figure in ``fig``. If not given, plt.fig is prepared internally. boxplot : boolean, optional (default=False) If True, draw a box plot instead of a scatter plot for each ``cause_positions``. Return ------ fig : plt.Figure Plotted figure. """ # check arguments if not isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError("X must be pandas.DataFrame.") if not _is_bootstrap_result(cd_result) and not _is_adjacency_matrix( cd_result, X.shape[1] ): raise TypeError( "cd_result must be lingam.bootstrap.BootstrapResult or array-like." ) if cause_name not in X.columns: raise ValueError("cause_name is not exsit in X.columns.") if X[cause_name].dtype == "category": raise ValueError("cause_name must not be categorical.") if effect_name not in X.columns: raise ValueError("effect_name is not exsit in X.columns.") is_discrete = X[effect_name].dtype == "category" _check_estimator(estimator, is_discrete) if cause_positions is not None: cause_positions = check_array( cause_positions, dtype=None, ensure_2d=False ).flatten() if None in cause_positions: raise TypeError("cause_positions must not include None.") if percentile is not None: if not isinstance(percentile, list) or len(percentile) != 3: raise TypeError("percentile must be a list of 3 floats.") if not all(map(lambda x: 0 <= x and x <= 100, percentile)): raise TypeError( "Elements of percentile must be between 0 and 100 inclusive." ) if fig is not None: if not isinstance(fig, Figure): raise TypeError("fig must be matplotlib.figure.Figure.") # set initial values if cause_positions is None: cause_positions = np.linspace(X[cause_name].min(), X[cause_name].max(), 10) if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() cause_index = list(X.columns).index(cause_name) effect_index = list(X.columns).index(effect_name) effect_classes = [None] if not is_discrete else np.unique(X[effect_name]) if percentile is None: percentile = (95, 50, 5) # calculate causal effects if _is_bootstrap_result(cd_result): adj_matrices = cd_result.adjacency_matrices_ index_list = cd_result.resampled_indices_ if index_list is None: index_list = [X.index] disable_percentile = False else: adj_matrices = [cd_result] index_list = [X.index] disable_percentile = True effect_info = _calculate( effect_classes, adj_matrices, index_list, cause_index, effect_index, estimator, cause_positions, X, is_discrete, ) # visualize fig = _draw( effect_info, cause_positions, percentile, fig, cause_name, effect_name, boxplot, disable_percentile, ) return fig
def _is_bootstrap_result(cd_result): name = type(cd_result).__module__ + "." + type(cd_result).__name__ if name != "lingam.bootstrap.BootstrapResult": return False return True def _is_adjacency_matrix(cd_result, col_num): check_array(cd_result) if cd_result.shape[0] != col_num or cd_result.shape[1] != col_num: return False return True def _check_estimator(estimator, is_discrete): if is_discrete is True and is_regressor(estimator): raise TypeError("X[effect_name] is discrete but the estimator is a regressor.") elif is_discrete is False and is_classifier(estimator): raise TypeError( "X[effect_name] is not discrete but the estimator is a classifier." ) if is_classifier(estimator): try: func = getattr(estimator, "predict_proba") if not callable(func): raise Exception except Exception: raise RuntimeError("Classification models must have predict_proba().") def _calculate( effect_classes, adj_matrices, index_list, cause_index, effect_index, estimator, cause_positions, X, is_discrete, ): # effect_classes is [None] if X.iloc[effect_index] is continuous effect_info = {effect_class: {} for effect_class in effect_classes} for c in effect_info.keys(): effect_info[c] = {p: [] for p in cause_positions} for m, sub_index in zip(adj_matrices, index_list): # parents of cause except effect covariate = np.where(m[cause_index, :] == 1)[0].tolist() covariate = np.delete(covariate, np.argwhere(covariate == effect_index)) # train exp = np.sort([cause_index] + covariate.tolist()) exp = np.delete(exp, np.argwhere(exp == effect_index)) X_exp = pd.get_dummies(X.iloc[sub_index, exp]) X_obj = X.iloc[sub_index, effect_index], X_obj) # calculate causal effects for interv_val in cause_positions: # intervention X_ = X.iloc[sub_index, :].copy() X_.iloc[:, cause_index] = interv_val X_exp2 = pd.get_dummies(X_.iloc[:, exp]) if not is_discrete: effect_values = estimator.predict(X_exp2) v = np.mean(effect_values) effect_info[None][interv_val].append(v) else: effect_values = estimator.predict_proba(X_exp2) for i, c in enumerate(estimator.classes_): v = np.mean(effect_values[:, i]) effect_info[c][interv_val].append(v) return effect_info def _draw( effect_info, cause_positions, percentile, fig, cause_name, effect_name, is_box, disable_percentile, ): if disable_percentile is False: alpha = 0.5 colors = ["red", "green", "blue"] else: percentile = [50] alpha = 1.0 colors = ["green"] for i in range(len(effect_info)): fig.add_subplot(1, len(effect_info), i + 1) axes = np.array(fig.get_axes()).flatten() for ax, (class_name, effects) in zip(axes, effect_info.items()): per_plot = {per: [] for per in percentile} for interv_val, values in effects.items(): if not is_box: ax.scatter( interv_val * np.ones(len(values)), values, color="black", alpha=alpha, facecolor="none", ) else: ax.boxplot(values, positions=[interv_val], manage_ticks=False) per_points = np.percentile(values, percentile) for per_point, percentile_ in zip(per_points, percentile): per_plot[percentile_].append(per_point) ax.set_xlabel(cause_name) if class_name is None: ax.set_ylabel(f"causal effect {effect_name}") else: ax.set_ylim(-0.05, 1.05) ax.set_title(f"class {class_name}") ax.set_ylabel("probability") for (per, values), color in zip(per_plot.items(), colors): label = f"{per}%" if disable_percentile is False else None ax.plot(cause_positions, values, color=color, label=label) return fig