Source code for lingam.direct_lingam

Python implementation of the LiNGAM algorithms.
The LiNGAM Project:

import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import scale
from sklearn.utils import check_array

from .base import _BaseLiNGAM

[docs] class DirectLiNGAM(_BaseLiNGAM): """Implementation of DirectLiNGAM Algorithm [1]_ [2]_ References ---------- .. [1] S. Shimizu, T. Inazumi, Y. Sogawa, A. Hyvärinen, Y. Kawahara, T. Washio, P. O. Hoyer and K. Bollen. DirectLiNGAM: A direct method for learning a linear non-Gaussian structural equation model. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 12(Apr): 1225--1248, 2011. .. [2] A. Hyvärinen and S. M. Smith. Pairwise likelihood ratios for estimation of non-Gaussian structural eauation models. Journal of Machine Learning Research 14:111-152, 2013. """
[docs] def __init__( self, random_state=None, prior_knowledge=None, apply_prior_knowledge_softly=False, measure="pwling", ): """Construct a DirectLiNGAM model. Parameters ---------- random_state : int, optional (default=None) ``random_state`` is the seed used by the random number generator. prior_knowledge : array-like, shape (n_features, n_features), optional (default=None) Prior knowledge used for causal discovery, where ``n_features`` is the number of features. The elements of prior knowledge matrix are defined as follows [1]_: * ``0`` : :math:`x_i` does not have a directed path to :math:`x_j` * ``1`` : :math:`x_i` has a directed path to :math:`x_j` * ``-1`` : No prior knowledge is available to know if either of the two cases above (0 or 1) is true. apply_prior_knowledge_softly : boolean, optional (default=False) If True, apply prior knowledge softly. measure : {'pwling', 'kernel'}, optional (default='pwling') Measure to evaluate independence: 'pwling' [2]_ or 'kernel' [1]_. """ super().__init__(random_state) self._Aknw = prior_knowledge self._apply_prior_knowledge_softly = apply_prior_knowledge_softly self._measure = measure if self._Aknw is not None: self._Aknw = check_array(self._Aknw) self._Aknw = np.where(self._Aknw < 0, np.nan, self._Aknw)
[docs] def fit(self, X): """Fit the model to X. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where ``n_samples`` is the number of samples and ``n_features`` is the number of features. Returns ------- self : object Returns the instance itself. """ # Check parameters X = check_array(X) n_features = X.shape[1] # Check prior knowledge if self._Aknw is not None: if (n_features, n_features) != self._Aknw.shape: raise ValueError( "The shape of prior knowledge must be (n_features, n_features)" ) else: # Extract all partial orders in prior knowledge matrix if not self._apply_prior_knowledge_softly: self._partial_orders = self._extract_partial_orders(self._Aknw) # Causal discovery U = np.arange(n_features) K = [] X_ = np.copy(X) if self._measure == "kernel": X_ = scale(X_) for _ in range(n_features): if self._measure == "kernel": m = self._search_causal_order_kernel(X_, U) else: m = self._search_causal_order(X_, U) for i in U: if i != m: X_[:, i] = self._residual(X_[:, i], X_[:, m]) K.append(m) U = U[U != m] # Update partial orders if (self._Aknw is not None) and (not self._apply_prior_knowledge_softly): self._partial_orders = self._partial_orders[ self._partial_orders[:, 0] != m ] self._causal_order = K return self._estimate_adjacency_matrix(X, prior_knowledge=self._Aknw)
def _extract_partial_orders(self, pk): """Extract partial orders from prior knowledge.""" path_pairs = np.array(np.where(pk == 1)).transpose() no_path_pairs = np.array(np.where(pk == 0)).transpose() # Check for inconsistencies in pairs with path check_pairs = np.concatenate([path_pairs, path_pairs[:, [1, 0]]]) if len(check_pairs) > 0: pairs, counts = np.unique(check_pairs, axis=0, return_counts=True) if len(pairs[counts > 1]) > 0: raise ValueError( f"The prior knowledge contains inconsistencies at the following indices: {pairs[counts>1].tolist()}" ) # Check for inconsistencies in pairs without path. # If there are duplicate pairs without path, they cancel out and are not ordered. check_pairs = np.concatenate([no_path_pairs, no_path_pairs[:, [1, 0]]]) if len(check_pairs) > 0: pairs, counts = np.unique(check_pairs, axis=0, return_counts=True) check_pairs = np.concatenate([no_path_pairs, pairs[counts > 1]]) pairs, counts = np.unique(check_pairs, axis=0, return_counts=True) no_path_pairs = pairs[counts < 2] check_pairs = np.concatenate([path_pairs, no_path_pairs[:, [1, 0]]]) if len(check_pairs) == 0: # If no pairs are extracted from the specified prior knowledge, return check_pairs pairs = np.unique(check_pairs, axis=0) return pairs[:, [1, 0]] # [to, from] -> [from, to] def _residual(self, xi, xj): """The residual when xi is regressed on xj.""" return xi - (np.cov(xi, xj)[0, 1] / np.var(xj)) * xj def _entropy(self, u): """Calculate entropy using the maximum entropy approximations.""" k1 = 79.047 k2 = 7.4129 gamma = 0.37457 return (1 + np.log(2 * np.pi)) / 2 - k1 * ( np.mean(np.log(np.cosh(u))) - gamma) ** 2 - k2 * (np.mean(u * np.exp((-(u ** 2)) / 2))) ** 2 def _diff_mutual_info(self, xi_std, xj_std, ri_j, rj_i): """Calculate the difference of the mutual informations.""" return (self._entropy(xj_std) + self._entropy(ri_j / np.std(ri_j))) - ( self._entropy(xi_std) + self._entropy(rj_i / np.std(rj_i)) ) def _search_candidate(self, U): """Search for candidate features""" # If no prior knowledge is specified, nothing to do. if self._Aknw is None: return U, [] # Apply prior knowledge in a strong way if not self._apply_prior_knowledge_softly: if len(self._partial_orders) != 0: Uc = [i for i in U if i not in self._partial_orders[:, 1]] return Uc, [] else: return U, [] # Find exogenous features Uc = [] for j in U: index = U[U != j] if self._Aknw[j][index].sum() == 0: Uc.append(j) # Find endogenous features, and then find candidate features if len(Uc) == 0: U_end = [] for j in U: index = U[U != j] if np.nansum(self._Aknw[j][index]) > 0: U_end.append(j) # Find sink features (original) for i in U: index = U[U != i] if self._Aknw[index, i].sum() == 0: U_end.append(i) Uc = [i for i in U if i not in set(U_end)] # make V^(j) Vj = [] for i in U: if i in Uc: continue if self._Aknw[i][Uc].sum() == 0: Vj.append(i) return Uc, Vj def _search_causal_order(self, X, U): """Search the causal ordering.""" Uc, Vj = self._search_candidate(U) if len(Uc) == 1: return Uc[0] M_list = [] for i in Uc: M = 0 for j in U: if i != j: xi_std = (X[:, i] - np.mean(X[:, i])) / np.std(X[:, i]) xj_std = (X[:, j] - np.mean(X[:, j])) / np.std(X[:, j]) ri_j = ( xi_std if i in Vj and j in Uc else self._residual(xi_std, xj_std) ) rj_i = ( xj_std if j in Vj and i in Uc else self._residual(xj_std, xi_std) ) M += np.min([0, self._diff_mutual_info(xi_std, xj_std, ri_j, rj_i)]) ** 2 M_list.append(-1.0 * M) return Uc[np.argmax(M_list)] def _mutual_information(self, x1, x2, param): """Calculate the mutual informations.""" kappa, sigma = param n = len(x1) X1 = np.tile(x1, (n, 1)) K1 = np.exp(-1 / (2 * sigma ** 2) * (X1 ** 2 + X1.T ** 2 - 2 * X1 * X1.T)) X2 = np.tile(x2, (n, 1)) K2 = np.exp(-1 / (2 * sigma ** 2) * (X2 ** 2 + X2.T ** 2 - 2 * X2 * X2.T)) tmp1 = K1 + n * kappa * np.identity(n) / 2 tmp2 = K2 + n * kappa * np.identity(n) / 2 K_kappa = np.r_[np.c_[tmp1 @ tmp1, K1 @ K2], np.c_[K2 @ K1, tmp2 @ tmp2]] D_kappa = np.r_[ np.c_[tmp1 @ tmp1, np.zeros([n, n])], np.c_[np.zeros([n, n]), tmp2 @ tmp2] ] sigma_K = np.linalg.svd(K_kappa, compute_uv=False) sigma_D = np.linalg.svd(D_kappa, compute_uv=False) return (-1 / 2) * (np.sum(np.log(sigma_K)) - np.sum(np.log(sigma_D))) def _search_causal_order_kernel(self, X, U): """Search the causal ordering by kernel method.""" Uc, Vj = self._search_candidate(U) if len(Uc) == 1: return Uc[0] if X.shape[0] > 1000: param = [2e-3, 0.5] else: param = [2e-2, 1.0] Tkernels = [] for j in Uc: Tkernel = 0 for i in U: if i != j: ri_j = ( X[:, i] if j in Vj and i in Uc else self._residual(X[:, i], X[:, j]) ) Tkernel += self._mutual_information(X[:, j], ri_j, param) Tkernels.append(Tkernel) return Uc[np.argmin(Tkernels)]