Python implementation of the LiNGAM algorithms.
The LiNGAM Project: https://sites.google.com/view/sshimizu06/lingam
import itertools
import warnings
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.utils import check_array, resample
from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.varmax import VARMAX
from .base import _BaseLiNGAM
from .bootstrap import BootstrapResult
from .direct_lingam import DirectLiNGAM
from .hsic import hsic_test_gamma
from .utils import predict_adaptive_lasso, find_all_paths, calculate_total_effect
"""Implementation of VARMA-LiNGAM Algorithm [1]_
.. [1] Yoshinobu Kawahara, Shohei Shimizu, Takashi Washio.
Analyzing relationships among ARMA processes based on non-Gaussianity
of external influences. Neurocomputing, Volume 74: 2212-2221, 2011
def __init__(
order=(1, 1),
"""Construct a VARMALiNGAM model.
order : turple, length = 2, optional (default=(1, 1))
Number of lags for AR and MA model.
criterion : {'aic', 'bic', 'hqic', None}, optional (default='bic')
Criterion to decide the best order in the all combinations of ``order``.
Searching the best order is disabled if ``criterion`` is ``None``.
prune : boolean, optional (default=True)
Whether to prune the adjacency matrix of lags.
max_iter : int, optional (default=100)
Maximm number of iterations to estimate VARMA model.
ar_coefs : array-like, optional (default=None)
Coefficients of AR of ARMA. Estimating ARMA model is skipped if specified ``ar_coefs`` and `ma_coefs`.
Shape must be (``order[0]``, n_features, n_features).
ma_coefs : array-like, optional (default=None)
Coefficients of MA of ARMA. Estimating ARMA model is skipped if specified ``ar_coefs`` and `ma_coefs`.
Shape must be (``order[1]``, n_features, n_features).
lingam_model : lingam object inherits 'lingam._BaseLiNGAM', optional (default=None)
LiNGAM model for causal discovery. If None, DirectLiNGAM algorithm is selected.
random_state : int, optional (default=None)
``random_state`` is the seed used by the random number generator.
self._order = order
self._criterion = criterion
self._prune = prune
self._max_iter = max_iter
self._ar_coefs = (
check_array(ar_coefs, allow_nd=True) if ar_coefs is not None else None
self._ma_coefs = (
check_array(ma_coefs, allow_nd=True) if ma_coefs is not None else None
self._lingam_model = lingam_model
self._random_state = random_state
def fit(self, X):
"""Fit the model to X.
X: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Training data, where ``n_samples`` is the number of samples
and ``n_features`` is the number of features.
self : object
Returns the instance itself.
self._causal_order = None
self._adjacency_matrices = None
X = check_array(X)
lingam_model = self._lingam_model
if lingam_model is None:
lingam_model = DirectLiNGAM()
elif not isinstance(lingam_model, _BaseLiNGAM):
raise ValueError("lingam_model must be a subclass of _BaseLiNGAM")
phis = self._ar_coefs
thetas = self._ma_coefs
order = self._order
if phis is None or thetas is None:
phis, thetas, order, residuals = self._estimate_varma_coefs(X)
p = phis.shape[0]
q = thetas.shape[0]
residuals = self._calc_residuals(X, phis, thetas, p, q)
model = lingam_model
psis, omegas = self._calc_psi_and_omega(
model.adjacency_matrix_, phis, thetas, order
if self._prune:
ee = np.dot(
np.eye(model.adjacency_matrix_.shape[0]) - model.adjacency_matrix_,
psis, omegas = self._pruning(X, ee, order, model.causal_order_)
self._ar_coefs = phis
self._ma_coefs = thetas
self._order = order
self._residuals = residuals
self._causal_order = model.causal_order_
self._adjacency_matrices = (psis, omegas)
return self
def bootstrap(self, X, n_sampling):
"""Evaluate the statistical reliability of DAG based on the bootstrapping.
X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Training data, where ``n_samples`` is the number of samples
and ``n_features`` is the number of features.
n_sampling : int
Number of bootstrapping samples.
result : TimeseriesBootstrapResult
Returns the result of bootstrapping.
X = check_array(X)
n_samples = X.shape[0]
n_features = X.shape[1]
(p, q) = self._order
# store initial settings
ar_coefs = self._ar_coefs
ma_coefs = self._ma_coefs
criterion = self._criterion
self._criterion = None
fitted_ar_coefs = self._ar_coefs
fitted_ma_coefs = self._ma_coefs
total_effects = np.zeros([n_sampling, n_features, n_features * (1 + p)])
adjacency_matrices = []
for i in range(n_sampling):
sampled_residuals = resample(self._residuals, n_samples=n_samples)
resampled_X = np.zeros((n_samples, n_features))
for j in range(n_samples):
if j < max(p, q):
resampled_X[j, :] = sampled_residuals[j]
ar = np.zeros((1, n_features))
for t, M in enumerate(fitted_ar_coefs):
ar += np.dot(M, resampled_X[j - t - 1, :].T).T
ma = np.zeros((1, n_features))
for t, M in enumerate(fitted_ma_coefs):
ma += np.dot(M, sampled_residuals[j - t - 1, :].T).T
resampled_X[j, :] = ar + sampled_residuals[j] + ma
# restore initial settings
self._ar_coefs = ar_coefs
self._ma_coefs = ma_coefs
psi = self._adjacency_matrices[0]
omega = self._adjacency_matrices[1]
am = np.concatenate([*psi, *omega], axis=1)
# total effects
for c, to in enumerate(reversed(self._causal_order)):
# time t
for from_ in self._causal_order[: n_features - (c + 1)]:
total_effects[i, to, from_] = self.estimate_total_effect2(
n_features, from_, to
# time t-tau
for lag in range(p):
for from_ in range(n_features):
total_effects[i, to, from_ + n_features * (lag + 1)] = (
self.estimate_total_effect2(n_features, from_, to, lag + 1)
self._criterion = criterion
return VARMABootstrapResult(adjacency_matrices, total_effects, self._order)
def estimate_total_effect(self, X, E, from_index, to_index, from_lag=0):
"""Estimate total effect using causal model.
X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Original data, where n_samples is the number of samples
and n_features is the number of features.
E : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Original error data, where n_samples is the number of samples
and n_features is the number of features.
from_index :
Index of source variable to estimate total effect.
to_index :
Index of destination variable to estimate total effect.
total_effect : float
Estimated total effect.
X = check_array(X)
n_features = X.shape[1]
# Check from/to causal order
if from_lag == 0:
from_order = self._causal_order.index(from_index)
to_order = self._causal_order.index(to_index)
if from_order > to_order:
f"The estimated causal effect may be incorrect because "
f"the causal order of the destination variable (to_index={to_index}) "
f"is earlier than the source variable (from_index={from_index})."
# X + lagged X
X_joined = np.zeros(
(X.shape[0], X.shape[1] * (1 + from_lag + self._order[0] + self._order[1]))
for p in range(1 + self._order[0]):
pos = n_features * p
X_joined[:, pos : pos + n_features] = np.roll(X[:, 0:n_features], p, axis=0)
for q in range(self._order[1]):
pos = n_features * (1 + self._order[0]) + n_features * q
X_joined[:, pos : pos + n_features] = np.roll(
E[:, 0:n_features], q + 1, axis=0
# concat psi and omega
psi = self._adjacency_matrices[0]
omega = self._adjacency_matrices[1]
am = np.concatenate([*psi, *omega], axis=1)
# from_index + parents indices
parents = np.where(np.abs(am[from_index]) > 0)[0]
from_index = from_index if from_lag == 0 else from_index + n_features
parents = parents if from_lag == 0 else parents + n_features
predictors = [from_index]
# Estimate total effect
lr = LinearRegression()
lr.fit(X_joined[:, predictors], X_joined[:, to_index])
return lr.coef_[0]
def estimate_total_effect2(self, n_features, from_index, to_index, from_lag=0):
"""Estimate total effect using causal model.
n_features :
The number of features.
from_index :
Index of source variable to estimate total effect.
to_index :
Index of destination variable to estimate total effect.
total_effect : float
Estimated total effect.
# Check from/to causal order
if from_lag == 0:
from_order = self._causal_order.index(from_index)
to_order = self._causal_order.index(to_index)
if from_order > to_order:
f"The estimated causal effect may be incorrect because "
f"the causal order of the destination variable (to_index={to_index}) "
f"is earlier than the source variable (from_index={from_index})."
# concat psi and omega
psi = self._adjacency_matrices[0]
am = np.concatenate([*psi], axis=1)
am = np.pad(am, [(0, am.shape[1] - am.shape[0]), (0, 0)])
# from_index + parents indices
from_index = from_index if from_lag == 0 else from_index + n_features
# Estimate total effect
effect = calculate_total_effect(am, from_index, to_index)
return effect
def get_error_independence_p_values(self):
"""Calculate the p-value matrix of independence between error variables.
independence_p_values : array-like, shape (n_features, n_features)
p-value matrix of independence between error variables.
eps = self.residuals_
psi0 = self._adjacency_matrices[0][0]
E = np.dot(np.eye(psi0.shape[0]) - psi0, eps.T).T
n_samples = E.shape[0]
n_features = E.shape[1]
p_values = np.zeros([n_features, n_features])
for i, j in itertools.combinations(range(n_features), 2):
_, p_value = hsic_test_gamma(
np.reshape(E[:, i], [n_samples, 1]), np.reshape(E[:, j], [n_samples, 1])
p_values[i, j] = p_value
p_values[j, i] = p_value
return p_values
def _estimate_varma_coefs(self, X):
if self._criterion not in ["aic", "bic", "hqic"]:
result = VARMAX(X, order=self._order, trend="c").fit(maxiter=self._max_iter)
min_value = float("Inf")
result = None
orders = [
(p, q)
for p in range(self._order[0] + 1)
for q in range(self._order[1] + 1)
orders.remove((0, 0))
for order in orders:
fitted = VARMAX(X, order=order, trend="c").fit(maxiter=self._max_iter)
value = getattr(fitted, self._criterion)
if value < min_value:
min_value = value
result = fitted
return (
def _calc_residuals(self, X, ar_coefs, ma_coefs, p, q):
X = X.T
n_features = X.shape[0]
n_samples = X.shape[1]
start_index = max(p, q)
epsilon = np.zeros([n_features, n_samples])
for t in range(n_samples):
if t < start_index:
epsilon[:, t] = np.random.normal(size=(n_features))
ar = np.zeros([n_features, 1])
for i in range(p):
ar += np.dot(ar_coefs[i], X[:, t - i - 1].reshape(-1, 1))
ma = np.zeros([n_features, 1])
for j in range(q):
ma += np.dot(ma_coefs[j], epsilon[:, t - j - 1].reshape(-1, 1))
epsilon[:, t] = X[:, t] - (ar.flatten() + ma.flatten())
residuals = epsilon[:, start_index:].T
return residuals
def _calc_psi_and_omega(self, psi0, phis, thetas, order):
psis = [psi0]
for i in range(order[0]):
psi = np.dot(np.eye(psi0.shape[0]) - psi0, phis[i])
omegas = []
for j in range(order[1]):
omega = np.dot(
np.eye(psi0.shape[0]) - psi0,
np.linalg.inv(np.eye(psi0.shape[0]) - psi0),
return np.array(psis), np.array(omegas)
def _pruning(self, X, ee, order, causal_order):
n_features = X.shape[1]
# join X(t), X(t-1) and e(t-1)
X_joined = np.zeros((X.shape[0], X.shape[1] * (1 + order[0] + order[1])))
for p in range(1 + order[0]):
pos = n_features * p
X_joined[:, pos : pos + n_features] = np.roll(X[:, 0:n_features], p, axis=0)
for q in range(order[1]):
pos = n_features * (1 + order[0]) + n_features * q
X_joined[:, pos : pos + n_features] = np.roll(
ee[:, 0:n_features], q + 1, axis=0
# pruned by adaptive lasso
psi_omega = np.zeros((n_features, n_features * (1 + order[0] + order[1])))
for i, target in enumerate(causal_order):
predictors = [
j for j in range(X_joined.shape[1]) if j not in causal_order[i:]
# adaptive lasso
coef = predict_adaptive_lasso(X_joined, predictors, target)
psi_omega[target, predictors] = coef
# split psi and omega
psis = np.zeros(((1 + order[0]), n_features, n_features))
for p in range(1 + order[0]):
pos = n_features * p
psis[p] = psi_omega[:, pos : pos + n_features]
omegas = np.zeros((order[1], n_features, n_features))
for q in range(order[1]):
pos = n_features * (1 + order[0]) + n_features * q
omegas[q] = psi_omega[:, pos : pos + n_features]
return psis, omegas
def causal_order_(self):
"""Estimated causal ordering.
causal_order_ : array-like, shape (n_features)
The causal order of fitted model, where
n_features is the number of features.
return self._causal_order
def adjacency_matrices_(self):
"""Estimated adjacency matrix.
adjacency_matrices_ : array-like, shape ((p, n_features, n_features), (q, n_features, n_features))
The adjacency matrix psi and omega of fitted model, where
n_features is the number of features.
return self._adjacency_matrices
def residuals_(self):
"""Residuals of regression.
residuals_ : array-like, shape (n_samples)
Residuals of regression, where n_samples is the number of samples.
return self._residuals
class VARMABootstrapResult(BootstrapResult):
"""The result of bootstrapping for Time series algorithm."""
def __init__(self, adjacency_matrices, total_effects, order):
"""Construct a BootstrapResult.
adjacency_matrices : array-like, shape (n_sampling)
The adjacency matrix list by bootstrapping.
total_effects : array-like, shape (n_sampling)
The total effects list by bootstrapping.
self._order = order
super().__init__(adjacency_matrices, total_effects)
def get_paths(
self, from_index, to_index, from_lag=0, to_lag=0, min_causal_effect=None
"""Get all paths from the start variable to the end variable and their bootstrap probabilities.
from_index : int
Index of the variable at the start of the path.
to_index : int
Index of the variable at the end of the path.
from_lag : int
Number of lag at the start of the path.
``from_lag`` should be greater than or equal to ``to_lag``.
to_lag : int
Number of lag at the end of the path.
``from_lag`` should be greater than or equal to ``to_lag``.
min_causal_effect : float, optional (default=None)
Threshold for detecting causal direction.
Causal directions with absolute values of causal effects less than ``min_causal_effect`` are excluded.
paths : dict
List of path and bootstrap probability.
The dictionary has the following format::
{'path': [n_paths], 'effect': [n_paths], 'probability': [n_paths]}
where ``n_paths`` is the number of paths.
# check parameters
if min_causal_effect is None:
min_causal_effect = 0.0
if not 0.0 < min_causal_effect:
raise ValueError("min_causal_effect must be an value greater than 0.")
if to_lag > from_lag:
raise ValueError("from_lag should be greater than or equal to to_lag.")
if to_lag == from_lag:
if to_index == from_index:
raise ValueError("The same variable is specified for from and to.")
# Find all paths from from_index to to_index
paths_list = []
effects_list = []
for am in self._adjacency_matrices:
n_features = am.shape[0]
expansion_m_size = n_features * (self._order[0] + 1)
expansion_m = np.zeros((expansion_m_size, expansion_m_size))
n_lags = int(expansion_m_size / n_features) - 1
for i in range(n_lags + 1):
for j in range(i, n_lags + 1):
row = n_features * i
col = n_features * j
lag = col - row
expansion_m[row : row + n_features, col : col + n_features] = am[
0:n_features, lag : lag + n_features
paths, effects = find_all_paths(
int(n_features * from_lag + from_index),
int(n_features * to_lag + to_index),
# Convert path to string to make them easier to handle.
paths_list.extend(["_".join(map(str, p)) for p in paths])
paths_list = np.array(paths_list)
effects_list = np.array(effects_list)
# Count paths
paths_str, counts = np.unique(paths_list, axis=0, return_counts=True)
# Sort by count
order = np.argsort(-counts)
probs = counts[order] / len(self._adjacency_matrices)
paths_str = paths_str[order]
# Calculate median of causal effect for each path
effects = [
np.median(effects_list[np.where(paths_list == p)]) for p in paths_str
result = {
"path": [[int(i) for i in p.split("_")] for p in paths_str],
"effect": effects,
"probability": probs.tolist(),
return result