Source code for lingam.lina

Python implementation of the LiNGAM algorithms.
The LiNGAM Project:

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as sopt
from scipy.special import expit as sigmoid
# from factor_analyzer import (ConfirmatoryFactorAnalyzer, ModelSpecificationParser)
from psy import cfa
from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor
import pandas as pd

[docs] class LiNA: """Implementation of LiNA Algorithm [1]_ References ---------- .. [1] Y. Zeng, S. Shimizu, R. Cai, F. Xie, M. Yamamoto and Z. Hao. Causal Discovery with Multi-Domain LiNGAM for Latent Factors. In Proc. of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21), 2021: 2097--2103. """
[docs] def __init__( self, w_threshold=0.3, lambda1=0.1, lambda2=0.1, loss_type='laplace', max_iter=100, h_tol=1e-8, rho_max=1e+16 ): """Construct a LiNA model. Parameters ---------- w_threshold : float (default=0.3) Drop edge if the weight btw. latent factors is less than w_threshold. lambda1 : float, optional (default=0.1) L1 penalty parameter. lambda2 : float, (default=0.1) L2 penalty parameter. loss_type : str, (default='laplace') Type of distribution of the noise. max_iter : int, (default=100) Maximum number of dual ascent steps. h_tol : float, (default=1e-8) Tolerance parameter of the acyclicity constraint. rho_max : float, (default=1e+16) Maximum value of the regularization parameter rho. """ self._w_threshold = w_threshold self._lambda1 = lambda1 self._lambda2 = lambda2 self._loss_type = loss_type self._max_iter = max_iter self._h_tol = h_tol self._rho_max = rho_max self._adjacency_matrix = None self._measurement_matrix = None
[docs] def fit(self, X, G_sign, scale): """Fit the model to X with measurement structure and latent factors' scales. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where ``n_samples`` is the number of samples and ``n_features`` is the number of measurement features. G_sign: array-like, shape (n_features, n_features_latent) Measurement structure matrix, where ``n_features_latent`` is the number of latent factors and ``n_features`` is the number of measurement features. scale: array-like, shape (1, n_features_latent) Scales of the latent factors. Returns ------- self : object Returns the instance of self. """ n_samples = X.shape[0] n_features_latent = G_sign.shape[1] lam, phi, var_e = cfa(X, G_sign) G_est_nor = lam f_est_nor = np.linalg.inv(G_est_nor.T @ G_est_nor) @ G_est_nor.T @ (X.T) f_est_nor = f_est_nor.T f_est = np.zeros([n_samples, n_features_latent]) for j in range(n_features_latent): f_est[:, j] = f_est_nor[:, j] * scale[0, j] # W_est = _estimate_LiNA(f_est, self._w_threshold, self._lambda1, self._loss_type) # input f: n*d f = f_est W_est = self._estimate_LiNA(f) self._adjacency_matrix = W_est self._measurement_matrix = G_est_nor return self._adjacency_matrix
def _estimate_LiNA(self, f): """Estimate the adjacency matrix btw. estimated latent factors for single-domain data""" def _loss(W): """Evaluate value and gradient of loss.""" M = f @ W if self._loss_type == 'l2': R = f - M loss = 0.5 / f.shape[0] * (R ** 2).sum() D = - 1.0 / f.shape[0] * f.T @ R elif self._loss_type == 'logistic': loss = 1.0 / f.shape[0] * (np.logaddexp(0, M) - f * M).sum() D = 1.0 / f.shape[0] * f.T @ (sigmoid(M) - f) elif self._loss_type == 'poisson': S = np.exp(M) loss = 1.0 / f.shape[0] * (S - f * M).sum() D = 1.0 / f.shape[0] * f.T @ (S - f) elif self._loss_type == 'laplace': R = f - M loss = - np.sum(-np.log(np.cosh(R))) D = - f.T @ np.tanh(R) else: raise ValueError('unknown loss type') return loss, D def _h(W): """Evaluate value and gradient of acyclicity constraint.""" # E = slin.expm(W * W) # (Zheng et al. 2018) # h = np.trace(E) - d M = np.eye(d) + W * W / d # (Yu et al. 2019) E = np.linalg.matrix_power(M, d - 1) h = (E.T * M).sum() - d return h, E def _adj(w): """Convert doubled variables ([2 d^2] array) back to original variables ([d, d] matrix).""" return (w[:d * d] - w[d * d:]).reshape([d, d]) def _func(w): """Evaluate value and gradient of augmented Lagrangian for doubled variables ([2 d^2] array).""" W = _adj(w) loss, D = _loss(W) h, E = _h(W) obj = loss + 0.5 * rho * h * h + alpha * h + self._lambda1 * w.sum() # obj = loss + 0.5 * rho * h * h + alpha * h + self._lambda1 * w.sum() # + self._lambda2*(np.linalg.norm(W, ord = 'fro')**2) # add l2 penalty constraint G = D + (rho * h + alpha) * E.T * W * 2 # G = D + (rho * h + alpha) * E.T * W * 2 + 2 * self._lambda2 * W #gradient of loss + h + penalty grad_cat = np.concatenate((G + self._lambda1, - G + self._lambda1), axis=None) return obj, grad_cat n, d = f.shape w_est, rho, alpha, h = np.zeros(2 * d * d), 1.0, 0.0, np.inf # double w_est into (w_pos, w_neg) bnds = [(0, 0) if i == j else (0, None) for _ in range(2) for i in range(d) for j in range(d)] for _ in range(self._max_iter): w_new, h_new = None, None while rho < self._rho_max: sol = sopt.minimize(_func, w_est, method='L-BFGS-B', jac=True, bounds=bnds) w_new = sol.x h_new, _ = _h(_adj(w_new)) if h_new > 0.25 * h: rho *= 10 else: break w_est, h = w_new, h_new alpha += rho * h if h <= self._h_tol or rho >= self._rho_max: break W_est = _adj(w_est) W_est[np.abs(W_est) < self._w_threshold] = 0 return W_est @property def adjacency_matrix_(self): """Estimated adjacency matrix between latent factors. Returns ------- adjacency_matrix_ : array-like, shape (n_features_latent, n_features_latent) The adjacency matrix of latent factors, where ``n_features_latent`` is the number of latent factors. """ return self._adjacency_matrix @property def measurement_matrix_(self): """Estimated measurement matrix between measurement variables and latent factors. Returns ------- measurement_matrix_ : array-like, shape (n_features, n_features_latent) The measurement matrix between measurement variables and latent factors, where ``n_features_latent`` is the number of latent factors and ``n_features`` is the number of measurement variables. """ return self._measurement_matrix
[docs] class MDLiNA: """Implementation of MD-LiNA Algorithm [2]_ References ---------- .. [2] Y. Zeng, S. Shimizu, R. Cai, F. Xie, M. Yamamoto and Z. Hao. Causal Discovery with Multi-Domain LiNGAM for Latent Factors. In Proc. of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21), 2021: 2097--2103. """
[docs] def __init__( self, w_threshold=0.3, lambda1=0.1, lambda2=0.1, loss_type='laplace', max_iter=100, h_tol=1e-8, rho_max=1e+16, no_of_domain=2, no_of_latent_1domain=3, ): """Construct an MD-LiNA model. Parameters ---------- w_threshold : float (default=0.3) Drop edge if the weight btw. latent factors is less than w_threshold. lambda1 : float, optional (default=0.1) L1 penalty parameter. lambda2 : float, (default=0.1) L2 penalty parameter. loss_type : str, (default='laplace') Type of distribution of the noise. max_iter : int, (default=100) Maximum number of dual ascent steps. h_tol : float, (default=1e-8) Tolerance parameter of the acyclicity constraint. rho_max : float, (default=1e+16) Maximum value of the regularization parameter rho. no_of_domain : int, (default=2) Number of domains. no_of_latent_1domain : float, (default=3) Number of latent factors in a domain. """ self._w_threshold = w_threshold self._lambda1 = lambda1 self._lambda2 = lambda2 self._loss_type = loss_type self._max_iter = max_iter self._h_tol = h_tol self._rho_max = rho_max self._no_of_domain = no_of_domain self._no_of_latent_1domain = no_of_latent_1domain self._adjacency_matrix = None self._measurement_matrix = None
[docs] def fit(self, X, G_sign, scale): """Fit the model to X with measurement structure and latent factors' scales. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where ``n_samples`` is the number of samples of all domains and ``n_features`` is the number of features of all domains. G_sign: array-like, shape (n_features, n_features_latent) Measurement structure matrix, where ``n_features_latent`` is the number of latent factors of all domains and ``n_features`` is the number of measurement variables of all domains. scale: array-like, shape (1, n_features_latent) Scales of the latent factors. Returns ------- self : object Returns the instance of self. """ # # PHASE I: use CFA to estimate \bar{G} lam, phi, var_e = cfa(X, G_sign) G_est = lam f_est = np.linalg.inv(G_est.T @ G_est) @ G_est.T @ (X.T) f_est = f_est.T # F = f_est F = np.zeros([f_est.shape[0], f_est.shape[1]]) for j in range(f_est.shape[1]): if j < self._no_of_latent_1domain: F[:, j] = f_est[:, j] * scale[0, j] else: F[:, j] = f_est[:, j] * scale[1, j] # optimize together W0 = np.zeros([self._no_of_latent_1domain, self._no_of_latent_1domain]) H0 = np.zeros([self._no_of_latent_1domain * self._no_of_domain, self._no_of_latent_1domain]) times = 0 min_like = np.inf Likelihood_all = np.zeros([1, 10000]) while 1: # update H H_est = self._estimate_MDLiNA_H(F, W0) F_final2 = np.linalg.inv(H_est.T @ H_est) @ H_est.T @ F.T # update B W_est = self._estimate_MDLiNA_B(F_final2.T) times = times + 1 print('W_est is:\n', W_est) print('W0 is:\n', W0) # check if convergent? inv_HH = np.linalg.inv(H_est.T @ H_est) @ H_est.T P_H = H_est @ inv_HH @ F.T LL = np.sum(np.log(np.cosh(F @ H_est - F @ inv_HH.T @ W_est))) + (np.abs(W_est)).sum() + 10000 * self._conh( W_est) recon_error = np.trace((F.T - P_H).T @ (F.T - P_H)) H1 = (np.abs(H_est)).sum() likelihood_all = LL + recon_error + H1 Likelihood_all[0, times] = likelihood_all if likelihood_all <= min_like: min_like = likelihood_all if np.abs(Likelihood_all[0, times] - Likelihood_all[0, times - 1]) < 1e-1: break elif times >= 30 and np.abs(likelihood_all - min_like) < 1e-1: break elif times >= 30 and likelihood_all <= min_like: break elif times >= 50 and np.abs(likelihood_all - np.min(Likelihood_all[0, times - 20:times - 1])) < 1e-1: break elif times >= 50 and likelihood_all <= np.min(Likelihood_all[0, times - 20:times - 1]): break else: W0 = W_est H0 = H_est if np.where(H_est != 0)[0].shape[0] == 0: H_est = H0 if np.where(W_est != 0)[0].shape[0] == 0: W_est = W0 # choose new factors: represent which concept. tt = 0 if tt == 0: Weight = np.abs(H_est) W = W_est else: Weight = np.abs(H_est) W = W0 BB = np.zeros([self._no_of_latent_1domain, self._no_of_latent_1domain]) for i in range(self._no_of_latent_1domain): for j in range(self._no_of_latent_1domain): BB[j, i] = np.abs(Weight[j, i]) + np.abs(Weight[j + self._no_of_latent_1domain, i]) order = np.zeros([1, self._no_of_latent_1domain]) if len(np.where(BB == 0)) == 0: for i in range(self._no_of_latent_1domain): indice = np.where(BB == np.amax(BB)) order[0, indice[1]] = indice[0] BB[indice[0], :] = 0 BB[:, indice[1]] = 0 else: indice = np.where(BB == 0) BB[:, indice[1]] = BB[:, indice[1]] + 0.01 for i in range(self._no_of_latent_1domain): indice = np.where(BB == np.amax(BB)) if len(indice[0]) > 1: order[0, indice[1][0]] = indice[0][0] BB[indice[0][0], :] = 0 BB[:, indice[1][0]] = 0 else: order[0, indice[1]] = indice[0] BB[indice[0], :] = 0 BB[:, indice[1]] = 0 W_est_new0 = np.zeros([self._no_of_latent_1domain, self._no_of_latent_1domain]) W_est_new = np.zeros([self._no_of_latent_1domain, self._no_of_latent_1domain]) for i in range(self._no_of_latent_1domain): indice = np.where(order == i) W_est_new0[[i], :] = W[indice[1], :] # row for i in range(self._no_of_latent_1domain): indice = np.where(order == i) W_est_new[:, [i]] = W_est_new0[:, indice[1]] # column self._adjacency_matrix = W_est_new self._measurement_matrix = G_est return self._adjacency_matrix
def calc_vif(X): # Calculating VIF vif = pd.DataFrame() X = pd.DataFrame(X) # convert ndarray to dataframe vif["variables"] = X.columns vif["VIF"] = [variance_inflation_factor(X.values, i) for i in range(X.shape[1])] return (vif) def _estimate_MDLiNA_H(self, f, W): """ Optimize H matrix btw. multi-domain latent factors and latent factors of interest Returns: H_est (np.ndarray): [hq, q] estimated H """ def _loss(H): """Evaluate value and gradient of loss.""" inv_HH = np.linalg.inv(H.T @ H) fH = f @ H M = fH @ inv_HH @ W if self._loss_type == 'l2': R = f - M loss = 0.5 / f.shape[0] * (R ** 2).sum() D = - 1.0 / f.shape[0] * f.T @ R elif self._loss_type == 'laplace': R = fH @ inv_HH - M # standardize for j in range(hq): R[:, j] = R[:, j] - np.mean(R[:, j]) R[:, j] = R[:, j] / np.std(R[:, j]) if np.trace(H.T @ H) < 10000: aa = np.trace(H.T @ H) D = - f.T @ np.tanh(R) @ (np.eye(np.size(H, 1)) - W) @ inv_HH \ + H @ inv_HH @ inv_HH @ fH.T @ np.tanh(R) @ (np.eye(np.size(H, 1)) - W) \ + H @ inv_HH @ inv_HH @ (np.eye(np.size(H, 1)) - W).T @ np.tanh(R).T @ fH \ - 2 * f.T @ fH @ inv_HH + 2 * H @ inv_HH @ fH.T @ fH @ inv_HH else: aa = 0 D = - f.T @ np.tanh(R) @ (np.eye(np.size(H, 1)) - W) @ inv_HH \ + H @ inv_HH @ inv_HH @ fH.T @ np.tanh(R) @ (np.eye(np.size(H, 1)) - W) \ + H @ inv_HH @ inv_HH @ (np.eye(np.size(H, 1)) - W).T @ np.tanh(R).T @ fH \ - 2 * f.T @ fH @ inv_HH + 2 * H @ inv_HH @ fH.T @ fH @ inv_HH + 2 * H loss = np.sum(np.log(np.cosh(R))) \ + np.trace((f - fH @ inv_HH @ H.T).T @ (f - fH @ inv_HH @ H.T)) \ + (np.trace(H.T @ H) - aa) else: raise ValueError('unknown loss type') return loss, D def _adj(h): """Convert doubled variables ([2 d^2] array) back to original variables ([d, d] matrix).""" return (h[:hq * q] - h[hq * q:]).reshape([q, hq]) def _func(h): """Evaluate value and gradient of augmented Lagrangian for doubled variables ([2 d^2] array).""" H = _adj(h) loss, D = _loss(H) obj = loss + self._lambda1 * h.sum() G = D # gradient of loss grad_cat = np.concatenate((G + self._lambda1, - G + self._lambda1), axis=None) return obj, grad_cat n, q = f.shape hq = np.size(W, 0) # hq is \hat{q}: the number of shared latent factors # ut.set_random_seed(0) h_est, score_0 = np.random.rand(2 * hq * q), np.inf for _ in range(self._max_iter): # h_new, score_1 = None, None sol = sopt.minimize(_func, h_est, method='BFGS', jac=True) h_new = sol.x score_1 = if np.abs(score_0 - score_1) < self._h_tol: break if score_1 > 0 and score_1 < score_0: h_est = h_new score_0 = score_1 # see if singular? bb = _adj(h_est) bb[np.abs(bb) < self._w_threshold] = 0 if np.linalg.det(bb.T @ bb) == 0: h_est[0:8] = h_est[0:8] + 0.1 if np.max(np.abs(h_est)) > 100: h_est = np.random.rand(2 * hq * q) score_0 = np.inf else: h_est = np.random.rand(2 * hq * q) h_est = h_new H_est = _adj(h_est) H_est[np.abs(H_est) < self._w_threshold] = 0 self._H_est = H_est return self._H_est def _estimate_MDLiNA_B(self, f): """Optimize the causal effect matrix among shared latent factors Returns: W_est (np.ndarray): [d, d] """ def _loss(W): """Evaluate value and gradient of loss.""" M = f @ W if self._loss_type == 'l2': R = f - M loss = 0.5 / f.shape[0] * (R ** 2).sum() D = - 1.0 / f.shape[0] * f.T @ R elif self._loss_type == 'logistic': loss = 1.0 / f.shape[0] * (np.logaddexp(0, M) - f * M).sum() D = 1.0 / f.shape[0] * f.T @ (sigmoid(M) - f) elif self._loss_type == 'poisson': S = np.exp(M) loss = 1.0 / f.shape[0] * (S - f * M).sum() D = 1.0 / f.shape[0] * f.T @ (S - f) elif self._loss_type == 'laplace': R = f - M loss = - np.sum(-np.log(np.cosh(R))) D = - f.T @ np.tanh(R) else: raise ValueError('unknown loss type') return loss, D def _h(W): """Evaluate value and gradient of acyclicity constraint.""" M = np.eye(d) + W * W / d # (Yu et al. 2019) E = np.linalg.matrix_power(M, d - 1) h = (E.T * M).sum() - d return h, E def _adj(w): """Convert doubled variables ([2 d^2] array) back to original variables ([d, d] matrix).""" return (w[:d * d] - w[d * d:]).reshape([d, d]) def _func(w): """Evaluate value and gradient of augmented Lagrangian for doubled variables ([2 d^2] array).""" W = _adj(w) loss, D = _loss(W) h, E = _h(W) obj = loss + 0.5 * rho * h * h + alpha * h + self._lambda1 * w.sum() G = D + (rho * h + alpha) * E.T * W * 2 grad_cat = np.concatenate((G + self._lambda1, - G + self._lambda1), axis=None) return obj, grad_cat n, d = f.shape w_est, rho, alpha, h = np.zeros(2 * d * d), 1.0, 0.0, np.inf bnds = [(0, 0) if i == j else (0, None) for _ in range(2) for i in range(d) for j in range(d)] for _ in range(self._max_iter): w_new, h_new = None, None while rho < self._rho_max: sol = sopt.minimize(_func, w_est, method='L-BFGS-B', jac=True, bounds=bnds) w_new = sol.x h_new, _ = _h(_adj(w_new)) if h_new > 0.25 * h: rho *= 10 else: break w_est, h = w_new, h_new alpha += rho * h if h <= self._h_tol or rho >= self._rho_max: break W_est = _adj(w_est) W_est[np.abs(W_est) < self._w_threshold] = 0 self._W_est = W_est return self._W_est def _conh(self, W): """Evaluate value of acyclicity constraint.""" d = self._no_of_latent_1domain M = np.eye(d) + W * W / d # (Yu et al. 2019) E = np.linalg.matrix_power(M, d - 1) h = (E.T * M).sum() - d return h @property def adjacency_matrix_(self): """Estimated adjacency matrix between latent factors of interest, which is shared by all domains. Returns ------- adjacency_matrix_ : array-like, shape (n_features_latent_1domain, n_features_latent_1domain) The adjacency matrix of latent factors of interest, where ``n_features_latent_1domain`` is the number of latent factors of interest. """ return self._adjacency_matrix @property def measurement_matrix_(self): """Estimated measurement matrix between measurement variables and latent factors from all domains. Returns ------- measurement_matrix_ : array-like, shape (n_features, n_features_latent) The measurement matrix between measurement variables and latent factors, where ``n_features_latent`` is the number of latent factors and ``n_features`` is the number of measurement variables from all domains. """ return self._measurement_matrix