Source code for lingam.bootstrap

Python implementation of the LiNGAM algorithms.
The LiNGAM Project:

import numbers

import numpy as np
from sklearn.utils import check_array, resample

from .utils import find_all_paths, calculate_total_effect

class BootstrapMixin:
    """Mixin class for all LiNGAM algorithms that implement the method of bootstrapping."""

    def bootstrap(self, X, n_sampling):
        """Evaluate the statistical reliability of DAG based on the bootstrapping.

        X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
            Training data, where ``n_samples`` is the number of samples
            and ``n_features`` is the number of features.
        n_sampling : int
            Number of bootstrapping samples.

        result : BootstrapResult
            Returns the result of bootstrapping.
        # Check parameters
        X = check_array(X)

        if isinstance(n_sampling, (numbers.Integral, np.integer)):
            if not 0 < n_sampling:
                raise ValueError("n_sampling must be an integer greater than 0.")
            raise ValueError("n_sampling must be an integer greater than 0.")

        # Bootstrapping
        adjacency_matrices = np.zeros([n_sampling, X.shape[1], X.shape[1]])
        total_effects = np.zeros([n_sampling, X.shape[1], X.shape[1]])
        index = np.arange(X.shape[0])
        resampled_indices = []
        for i in range(n_sampling):
            resampled_X, resampled_index = resample(X, index)
            adjacency_matrices[i] = self._adjacency_matrix

            # Calculate total effects
            for c, from_ in enumerate(self._causal_order):
                for to in self._causal_order[c + 1 :]:
                    total_effects[i, to, from_] = calculate_total_effect(
                        self._adjacency_matrix, from_, to


        return BootstrapResult(adjacency_matrices, total_effects, resampled_indices=resampled_indices)

[docs] class BootstrapResult(object): """The result of bootstrapping."""
[docs] def __init__(self, adjacency_matrices, total_effects, resampled_indices=None): """Construct a BootstrapResult. Parameters ---------- adjacency_matrices : array-like, shape (n_sampling) The adjacency matrix list by bootstrapping. total_effects : array-like, shape (n_sampling) The total effects list by bootstrapping. resampled_indices : array-like, shape (n_sampling, resample_size), optional (default=None) The list of original index of resampled samples. """ self._adjacency_matrices = adjacency_matrices self._total_effects = total_effects self._resampled_indices = resampled_indices
@property def adjacency_matrices_(self): """The adjacency matrix list by bootstrapping. Returns ------- adjacency_matrices_ : array-like, shape (n_sampling) The adjacency matrix list, where ``n_sampling`` is the number of bootstrap sampling. """ return self._adjacency_matrices @property def total_effects_(self): """The total effect list by bootstrapping. Returns ------- total_effects_ : array-like, shape (n_sampling) The total effect list, where ``n_sampling`` is the number of bootstrap sampling. """ return self._total_effects @property def resampled_indices_(self): """The list of original index of resampled samples. Returns ------- resampled_indices_ : array-like, shape (n_sampling, resample_size) The list of original index of resampled samples, where ``n_sampling`` is the number of bootstrap sampling and ``resample_size`` is the size of each subsample set. """ return self._resampled_indices
[docs] def get_causal_direction_counts( self, n_directions=None, min_causal_effect=None, split_by_causal_effect_sign=False, ): """Get causal direction count as a result of bootstrapping. Parameters ---------- n_directions : int, optional (default=None) If int, then The top ``n_directions`` items are included in the result min_causal_effect : float, optional (default=None) Threshold for detecting causal direction. If float, then causal directions with absolute values of causal effects less than ``min_causal_effect`` are excluded. split_by_causal_effect_sign : boolean, optional (default=False) If True, then causal directions are split depending on the sign of the causal effect. Returns ------- causal_direction_counts : dict List of causal directions sorted by count in descending order. The dictionary has the following format:: {'from': [n_directions], 'to': [n_directions], 'count': [n_directions]} where ``n_directions`` is the number of causal directions. """ # Check parameters if isinstance(n_directions, (numbers.Integral, np.integer)): if not 0 < n_directions: raise ValueError("n_directions must be an integer greater than 0") elif n_directions is None: pass else: raise ValueError("n_directions must be an integer greater than 0") if min_causal_effect is None: min_causal_effect = 0.0 else: if not 0.0 < min_causal_effect: raise ValueError("min_causal_effect must be an value greater than 0.") # Count causal directions directions = [] for am in np.nan_to_num(self._adjacency_matrices): direction = np.array(np.where(np.abs(am) > min_causal_effect)) if split_by_causal_effect_sign: signs = ( np.array([np.sign(am[i][j]) for i, j in direction.T]) .astype("int64") .T ) direction = np.vstack([direction, signs]) directions.append(direction.T) directions = np.concatenate(directions) if len(directions) == 0: cdc = {"from": [], "to": [], "count": []} if split_by_causal_effect_sign: cdc["sign"] = [] return cdc directions, counts = np.unique(directions, axis=0, return_counts=True) sort_order = np.argsort(-counts) sort_order = ( sort_order[:n_directions] if n_directions is not None else sort_order ) counts = counts[sort_order] directions = directions[sort_order] cdc = { "from": directions[:, 1].tolist(), "to": directions[:, 0].tolist(), "count": counts.tolist(), } if split_by_causal_effect_sign: cdc["sign"] = directions[:, 2].tolist() return cdc
[docs] def get_directed_acyclic_graph_counts( self, n_dags=None, min_causal_effect=None, split_by_causal_effect_sign=False ): """Get DAGs count as a result of bootstrapping. Parameters ---------- n_dags : int, optional (default=None) If int, then The top ``n_dags`` items are included in the result min_causal_effect : float, optional (default=None) Threshold for detecting causal direction. If float, then causal directions with absolute values of causal effects less than ``min_causal_effect`` are excluded. split_by_causal_effect_sign : boolean, optional (default=False) If True, then causal directions are split depending on the sign of the causal effect. Returns ------- directed_acyclic_graph_counts : dict List of directed acyclic graphs sorted by count in descending order. The dictionary has the following format:: {'dag': [n_dags], 'count': [n_dags]}. where ``n_dags`` is the number of directed acyclic graphs. """ # Check parameters if isinstance(n_dags, (numbers.Integral, np.integer)): if not 0 < n_dags: raise ValueError("n_dags must be an integer greater than 0") elif n_dags is None: pass else: raise ValueError("n_dags must be an integer greater than 0") if min_causal_effect is None: min_causal_effect = 0.0 else: if not 0.0 < min_causal_effect: raise ValueError("min_causal_effect must be an value greater than 0.") # Count directed acyclic graphs dags = [] for am in np.nan_to_num(self._adjacency_matrices): dag = np.abs(am) > min_causal_effect if split_by_causal_effect_sign: direction = np.array(np.where(dag)) signs = np.zeros_like(dag).astype("int64") for i, j in direction.T: signs[i][j] = np.sign(am[i][j]).astype("int64") dag = signs dags.append(dag) dags, counts = np.unique(dags, axis=0, return_counts=True) sort_order = np.argsort(-counts) sort_order = sort_order[:n_dags] if n_dags is not None else sort_order counts = counts[sort_order] dags = dags[sort_order] if split_by_causal_effect_sign: dags = [ { "from": np.where(dag)[1].tolist(), "to": np.where(dag)[0].tolist(), "sign": [dag[i][j] for i, j in np.array(np.where(dag)).T], } for dag in dags ] else: dags = [ {"from": np.where(dag)[1].tolist(), "to": np.where(dag)[0].tolist()} for dag in dags ] return {"dag": dags, "count": counts.tolist()}
[docs] def get_probabilities(self, min_causal_effect=None): """Get bootstrap probability. Parameters ---------- min_causal_effect : float, optional (default=None) Threshold for detecting causal direction. If float, then causal directions with absolute values of causal effects less than ``min_causal_effect`` are excluded. Returns ------- probabilities : array-like List of bootstrap probability matrix. """ # check parameters if min_causal_effect is None: min_causal_effect = 0.0 else: if not 0.0 < min_causal_effect: raise ValueError("min_causal_effect must be an value greater than 0.") adjacency_matrices = np.nan_to_num(self._adjacency_matrices) shape = adjacency_matrices[0].shape bp = np.zeros(shape) for B in adjacency_matrices: bp += np.where(np.abs(B) > min_causal_effect, 1, 0) bp = bp / len(adjacency_matrices) if int(shape[1] / shape[0]) == 1: return bp else: return np.hsplit(bp, int(shape[1] / shape[0]))
[docs] def get_total_causal_effects(self, min_causal_effect=None): """Get total effects list. Parameters ---------- min_causal_effect : float, optional (default=None) Threshold for detecting causal direction. If float, then causal directions with absolute values of causal effects less than ``min_causal_effect`` are excluded. Returns ------- total_causal_effects : dict List of bootstrap total causal effect sorted by probability in descending order. The dictionary has the following format:: {'from': [n_directions], 'to': [n_directions], 'effect': [n_directions], 'probability': [n_directions]} where ``n_directions`` is the number of causal directions. """ # Check parameters if min_causal_effect is None: min_causal_effect = 0.0 else: if not 0.0 < min_causal_effect: raise ValueError("min_causal_effect must be an value greater than 0.") # Calculate probability probs = np.sum( np.where(np.abs(self._total_effects) > min_causal_effect, 1, 0), axis=0, keepdims=True, )[0] probs = probs / len(self._total_effects) # Causal directions dirs = np.array(np.where(np.abs(probs) > 0)) probs = probs[dirs[0], dirs[1]] # Calculate median effect without zero effects = np.zeros(dirs.shape[1]) for i, (to, from_) in enumerate(dirs.T): idx = np.where(np.abs(self._total_effects[:, to, from_]) > 0) effects[i] = np.median(self._total_effects[:, to, from_][idx]) # Sort by probability order = np.argsort(-probs) dirs = dirs.T[order] effects = effects[order] probs = probs[order] ce = { "from": dirs[:, 1].tolist(), "to": dirs[:, 0].tolist(), "effect": effects.tolist(), "probability": probs.tolist(), } return ce
[docs] def get_paths(self, from_index, to_index, min_causal_effect=None): """Get all paths from the start variable to the end variable and their bootstrap probabilities. Parameters ---------- from_index : int Index of the variable at the start of the path. to_index : int Index of the variable at the end of the path. min_causal_effect : float, optional (default=None) Threshold for detecting causal direction. Causal directions with absolute values of causal effects less than ``min_causal_effect`` are excluded. Returns ------- paths : dict List of path and bootstrap probability. The dictionary has the following format:: {'path': [n_paths], 'effect': [n_paths], 'probability': [n_paths]} where ``n_paths`` is the number of paths. """ # check parameters if min_causal_effect is None: min_causal_effect = 0.0 else: if not 0.0 < min_causal_effect: raise ValueError("min_causal_effect must be an value greater than 0.") # Find all paths from from_index to to_index paths_list = [] effects_list = [] for am in self._adjacency_matrices: paths, effects = find_all_paths(am, from_index, to_index, min_causal_effect) # Convert path to string to make them easier to handle. paths_list.extend(["_".join(map(str, p)) for p in paths]) effects_list.extend(effects) paths_list = np.array(paths_list) effects_list = np.array(effects_list) # Count paths paths_str, counts = np.unique(paths_list, axis=0, return_counts=True) # Sort by count order = np.argsort(-counts) probs = counts[order] / len(self._adjacency_matrices) paths_str = paths_str[order] # Calculate median of causal effect for each path effects = [ np.median(effects_list[np.where(paths_list == p)]) for p in paths_str ] result = { "path": [[int(i) for i in p.split("_")] for p in paths_str], "effect": effects, "probability": probs.tolist(), } return result